Yale University has announced that Charles Bernstein, also diretor of Sibila, has been awarded the 2019 Bollingen Prize for American Poetry. Read all about it. The jury for this year’s prize was Claudia Rankine, Evie Shockley, and Ange Mlinko. I am grateful to them for this acknowledgement. The Bollingen is given for lifetime achievement and for Near/Miss. |
Near/Miss was published in the Fall by the University of Chicago Press, in cloth, paper, ebook, and as an audiobook. Review by Douglas Messerli in Hyperallergic, interview in Penn Current. Audio/video of launch events @ “Web Log” at Jacket2. Cover image: Susan Bee, Pickpocket. |
Recent Links •Figuring Power at the Racial Imaginary web site •Close Listening: new shows with Kearney, Espina, & Lange •Finding Cavell memorial tribute *Up Against Storytelling –– Antin tribute (video) • Bogáta TV interview •Tbilisi poetry video •Tim Dean on Pitch of Poetry |