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 Sobre Linh Dinh

Linh Dinh nasceu em Saigon, Vietnã, em 1963. Emigrou para os Estados Unidos em 1975. Viveu também na Itália e na Inglaterra. É autor de dois livros de contos – Fake house (Nova York, Seven Stories, 2000) e Blood and soap (Nova York, Seven Stories, 2004) – e quatro livros de poemas – All around what empties out (Honolulu, Tinfish, 2003), American tatts (Tucson, Chax, 2005), Borderless bodies (San Diego, Factory School, 2006) e Jam alerts (Tucson, Chax, 2007). Seu trabalho foi incluído em The best American poetry 2000 (org. Rita Dove e David Lehman; Nova York, Scribner, 2000), The best American poetry 2004 (org. Lyn Hejinian e David Lehman; Nova York, Scribner, 2004), e Great American prose poems from Poe to the present (org. David Lehman; Nova York, Scribner, 2003), entre outras publicações. Linh Dinh também organizou as antologias Night, again: contemporary fiction from Vietnam (Nova York, Seven Stories, 1996) e Three Vietnamese poets (Honolulu, Tinfish, 2001), e traduziu o poeta Phan Nhin Hao para o inglês, em Night, fish and Charlie Parker (Dorset, Tupelo, 2006). Blood and soap foi escolhido como um dos melhores livros de 2004 pelo jornal nova-yorkino The Village Voice.

State of The Union 2

  The main purpose of my photo blog, State of the Union, is to record a changing America as it enters "The Long Emergency”, to borrow a phrase from James Howard Kunstler. With [...]

State of the Union

The main purpose of my photo blog, State of the Union, is to record a changing America as it enters "The Long Emergency”, to borrow a phrase from James Howard Kunstler. With its [...]

Poems by Linh Dinh

Ritratto di un Maestro A so-called master painter Painted with an invisible paint, Super expensive, special ordered From China, so all of his so-called Masterpieces are invisible to you And [...]


Selected translations Selected translations Reggis Tongue 899 pages. Noioso. $29.95. The sudden appearance of Reggis Tongue must qualify as one of the biggest literary stories of 2005. (Generally, one should [...]