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Be(a)ware of the Ast

Be(a)ware of the Ast  An essay on Charles Bernstein’s poem "Twelve-Year Universal Horoscope" at The Paris Review. Key: You are going to read a counter-horoscope of the “Twelve-Year Universal Horoscope”[1] [...]

The Troubles

Mrs. Trouble:  We are in trouble, Mr. Trouble!  Mr. Trouble: Yes. I know, Mrs. Trouble.  There are troubles, troubles & more troubles.  Mrs. Trouble: You know, Mr. Trouble. We’ve been [...]


Poems by Jerome Sala TODAY’S MYSTERY I saw the Oscar Meyer hot dog truck today. A nice big orange and yellow wiener riding by. It looked shiny and plastic like [...]

Unpublished poetry

From Work in progress titled "Plan B Audio"     retrofit faulty recall 12 step program false totem etiquette unforeseen shabby tragedy   advanced directive flawed object            holy water infected [...]


#Hillarious  #Incredibility #2017 Goingfwd: 2ward a fMotherland under Deconstruction Some Realtime Musings Between Now and Then 119 After Cecilia Corrigan’s Motherland 2016 @ ISSUE Project Room, December 3, 2016, 8pm, [...]